24 May 2023

Donor Enthusiasm Increases in MNC Peduli Blood Donation Activities

Jakarta - MNC Peduli through the MNC Love Donation Program routinely invites MNC Group employees to participate in blood donation activities. The blood donation activity today, Wednesday (24/5/2023) was held at MNC Studios Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta.

PMI Depok City Blood Transfusion Unit (UDD) Public Relations Officer Achmad Febriyadi expressed his gratitude for the extraordinary enthusiasm of MNC Group employees in the blood donation activity. According to him, the number of employees who donated blood this time was more than 3 months ago.

"We hold blood donations regularly every three months, and this month it seems like donor enthusiasm has increased.

"This can be seen from the long queues that started this morning," he said. Achmad hopes that MNC Peduli's blood donation activities can continue to be carried out and that MNC employees will remain enthusiastic about donating blood.

He admitted that he already had a schedule of blood donation activities for the next year. Meanwhile, today, his party is targeting 300 bags of blood. "If we meet the target of 300 bags, it is possible that the range we will carry will be 250-270 bags," he said.