Social Community
The Company executes a social and community development program by implementing CSR Programs focusing on five pillars of activities in various areas such as education, economics, public health, religion, and social. The five pillars of activity are aligned with the concept of Good Corporate Citizen developed by the Company.

In order to make the implementation of the Company’s CSR programs, especially in the social and community sectors, more focused, have a larger scale and integrated, MNC Group established Jalinan Kasih Foundation in 2004. The focus of Jalinan Kasih Foundation is to provide services in the health and education sector for the poor. Through the Jalinan Kasih Foundation, the Company wants to help people who have not been able to enjoy access to education and health because they are living in poverty. The services include free medical treatment, cleft lip surgery, and cataract and hernia surgeries. The Company has also provided hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, artificial cornea, wheelchairs and therapy equipment.

To date, Jalinan Kasih Foundation has given assistance for education, staple goods, free medication of over 700 thousand patients, improving public facilities and disaster relief.

Since 2017 all social and community development activities carried out by subsidiaries and affiliates of the MNC Group and the Jalinan Kasih Foundation are under the auspices of MNC Peduli. MNC Peduli focuses on three main areas, namely the social, humanitarian, and religious fields, including those related to education, the environment, and infrastructure development.
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