15 Nov 2023

Appreciating TPQ Cahaya Islam Bangkalan's Concern for Children's Literacy, MNC Peduli Distributes Hundreds of Reading Books

Bangkalan – TPQ Cahaya Islam which is located in Bangkalan is present in the community to provide positive activities to local children. With help from non-governmental organizations, TPQ Cahaya Islam tries to provide education and activities at reasonable costs.

By using learning while playing techniques, children are always enthusiastic and enthusiastic about gaining knowledge. Apart from that, various other activities are also carried out such as coloring and drawing to hone children's creativity.

TPQ Cahaya Islam also has a collection of reading books intended for children to increase their insight and literacy skills.

As an appreciation to TPQ Cahaya Islam in its efforts to educate children, MNC Peduli distributed hundreds of reading books on Wednesday (15/11/2023)

Head of CSR of MNC Group, Tengku Havid, said that his party was carrying out a number of efforts to increase interest in literacy.

"Through the #GenerasiCerdasAnak Bangsa program, more than 100 reading parks and 16,000 beneficiaries in Java, Sumatra, NTB and NTT have received support from MNC Peduli," he explained.

Tengku Havid also hopes that this assistance can be useful in educating Indonesian children.

"We hope that through these efforts we can contribute to increasing the literacy and intelligence interest of children in Indonesia to achieve a golden Indonesia 2045," said Tengku Havid.

The TPQ Cahaya Islam teachers appreciated the assistance with the hundreds of books. This book can stimulate children to learn. Apart from that, children can use their free time by reading books.

"We are very grateful for the book assistance from MNC Peduli. Of course this is very useful for children," said one of the TPQ Cahaya Islam Bangkalan teachers, Rosidah, Wednesday (15/11/2023).

They hope that new reading books will increase children's interest in reading from an early age. Apart from that, it increases children's insight into science.