16 Mar 2023

Appreciating Community Reading Parks in Semarang, MNC Peduli Provides Supporting Equipment

Semarang – Community Reading Parks (TBM) need to get more appreciation for their dedication as access to services and providing reading for the surrounding community. By having a reading park, it can increase people's interest in literacy, especially children.

One of the reading parks that needs to be appreciated is TBM Beautiful Edge of Kali (Inpirli) which is located in Central Lamper, Semarang City, Central Java. Apart from providing a reading area, TBM Inpirli provides various activities such as coloring, reading, creating toys/skills and dancing for children.

Appreciating TBM Inpirli, MNC Peduli handed over support equipment for reading houses in the form of folding tables, coloring tools and reading books on Wednesday (15/3/2023).

This assistance is MNC Peduli's effort to increase the literacy interest of the Indonesian people, which is currently still very low.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo expressed her appreciation for the management of the reading park. "As we know, the literacy level in Indonesia is still very low. "So, MNC Peduli, really appreciate the efforts of reading parks in this effort to increase literacy," said Jessica.

Jessica also hopes that her party can encourage interest in literacy. "Of course, we hope that MNC Peduli's support through the #GenerasiCerdasAnakBangsa program can help this reading park improve literacy," she explained.