25 Sep 2023

Overcoming Stunting, MNC Peduli and Central Jakarta City Government Implement the Jakarta Beraksi in Galur Subdistrict

Jakarta – Consistent in dealing with the problem of stunting in Indonesia, this time MNC Peduli is supporting the Central Jakarta City Government in the Jakarta Beraksi (Move to Overcome Stunting) program in Galur Village, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.

Through this program, MNC Peduli contributes to providing healthy food assistance to 19 children in Galur Village who have underweight, wasting and stunting nutritional status. This nutritious food support is provided for 14 days for children with underweight conditions and 90 days with wasting and stunting conditions.

This program was inaugurated directly by the Mayor of Central Jakarta, Dhany Sukma, and the General Treasurer of MNC Peduli Stien at the Commander Ceria RPTRA, Galur Subdistrict, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta on Monday (25/9/2023).

"This program's target is for stunting to be below 14% by 2024. For Central Jakarta the results of yesterday's assessment were 2.9%, previously it was 3 percent and previously it was seven percent," said Central Jakarta Mayor Dhany Sukma.

Dhany appreciated the activities of the Jakarta Beraksi program, one of which is RW 05, Galur Subdistrict, which is supported by MNC Peduli.

"This is our effort to anticipate stunting. All parties have intervened. Thank God, this is the eighth time. Including the private sector and government institutions. Tanah Tinggi, Serdang, and yesterday it was also in West Cempaka Putih. Today we see MNC Peduli entering Galur ," he said.

He said, Jakarta Beraksi is joint work and is a form of collaboration with the private sector. This collaboration is important because if you only rely on the APBD, these activities cannot be carried out continuously.

"The APBD has a time limit. For stunting, assistance is provided continuously. Therefore, food assistance for 90 days cannot be interrupted," he said.

Through this program, MNC Peduli hopes to play a role in alleviating stunting in Central Jakarta City. This activity is of course in line with the #GenerasiSehatGenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program promoted by MNC Peduli in handling stunting.

For your information, MNC Peduli has supported stunting prevention through assistance with nutritious food and also through counseling and education both directly to the community and through public service advertisements.