15 Dec 2023

Medical Assistance for Lisnawati, a Medan Resident Affected by Tongue Cancer

Medan – Lisnawati Sitanggang, a housewife who is married to a farm worker, has been diagnosed with tongue cancer since April 2023. Currently, her disease has entered stage two and is still undergoing radiation and chemotherapy treatment at the nearest hospital using health insurance facilities.

To maximize cancer treatment, Lisnawati needs other medical assistance. However, due to the family's economic limitations, Lisnawati really needed a helping hand from other parties.

Therefore, MNC Peduli helped Lisnawati to undergo optimal treatment by providing the necessary medical assistance during her treatment period. Assistance was given directly to Lisnawati at the Lazarus Halfway House on Friday (15/12/2023).

When met at the location, MNC Cares Representative Rudi Zulham Hasibuan hoped that Lisnawati's condition would soon improve.

"We hope that the medicines we are providing today can help cure Mrs. Lisnawati's illness. We hope that Mrs. Lisnawati will soon be healthy and return to her normal activities," said Rudi Zulham Hasibuan.