25 Aug 2023

Preventing Stunting, MNC Peduli and PT Lemonilo Indonesia Sangat Distribute Food to Posyandu Participants in Petojo Utara Sub

Jakarta – Towards a Golden Indonesia generation in 2045, we need a healthy and intelligent next generation. Therefore, the stunting rate needs to continue to be reduced in order to have human resources that can play an optimal role in supporting Indonesia in the future.

With the prevalence of stunting being quite high, this can certainly be an obstacle because in the long term stunting can have an impact on children's health and intelligence.

As an effort to support the government in reducing stunting rates, MNC Peduli and PT Lemonilo Indonesia Besar provided nutritious food to Flamboyan 8A-8C Posyandu participants in Petojo Utara Subdistrict, Central Jakarta on Friday (25/8/2023).

Lemonilo CTO and Co-founder Johannes Ardiant said, as a healthy lifestyle consumer goods company, Lemonilo wants to play a role by opening access to healthy living and supporting the provision of balanced nutrition.

He believes that Indonesian children have the right to have the same opportunity to obtain nutritious food. "Therefore, we are happy to be able to join the MNC Cares program and thank MNC for organizing this program," he said, Friday (25/8/2023).

Chair of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, revealed that to promote the reduction of stunting rates in Indonesia, so far MNC Peduli has made various efforts.

Jessica said that so far her party has implemented various intervention programs, the aim of which is so that Indonesian children can grow healthily and avoid stunting.

"Apart from providing nutritious food assistance, we also educate the public through public service announcements which are broadcast on our television," he explained.