26 Oct 2023

Preventing Stunting, Hundreds of Catfish Given to Meet the Protein Needs of Children and Pregnant Women in North Petojo

Jakarta – To move towards the golden generation of 2045, MNC Peduli continues to intensify stunting prevention programs through various programs. One way is by providing nutritious food.

It is known that animal food can be a food source that can prevent stunting, because apart from being high in protein, it also contains complete nutrients and vitamins. These ingredients are very important in supporting the growth and development of children and pregnant women.

This time, in supporting Posyandu Flamboyan Petojo Utara in helping prevent stunting, MNC Peduli is collaborating with Food Cycle Indonesia. Hundreds of catfish were given to all posyandu participants on Jalan Binatu I, Petojo Utara, Central Jakarta on Thursday (26/1/2023).

Hundreds of housewives and their children were seen queuing to measure the weight, height and head circumference of their toddlers. Saodah (61), a resident of RT 02/RW 08 Petojo Utara Subdistrict, said he was happy to be able to get catfish.

"I'm happy to get catfish. This is the first time I've been given fish like this. My child also loves dry fried catfish. Hopefully with the help of this catfish, no children in our area will suffer from stunting," said Saodah.

In this activity, there was also a symbolic handover of catfish nutritional assistance from MNC Peduli to representatives of RW 08, North Petojo Village. Chairperson of PKK RW 08 Petojo Utara Subdistrict, Hera Yunita, said that Posyandu activities are carried out routinely once a month.

"The schedule is from the community health center. This includes weighing toddlers and checking blood pressure and blood sugar for the elderly. Thank God they are very enthusiastic, especially since they have received assistance from MNC Peduli since April 2023," said Hera.

Hera hopes that the assistance provided by MNC Peduli to communities in its area can have a positive impact on the health of children and residents. "MNC Peduli goes directly to the community. Hopefully children under five who are lacking in weight will improve. Hopefully MNC Peduli will progress further and continue to work together for us," said Hera.