12 Sep 2023

Interested, MNC Peduli and PMI Central Jakarta City Again Hold First Aid Training for MNC Group Employees

Jakarta – After successfully holding first aid training last August, MNC Peduli collaborated again with PMI Central Jakarta City to hold first aid training for MNC Group employees on Tuesday (12/9/2023).

This activity is the second stage of batch 1 which will be continued to batch 2 and batch 3 later. This time the participants came from 4 MNC Group areas, namely MNC Center Kebon Sirih, MNC Studios Kebon Jeruk, MNC Vision Tower Kedoya and Lido Area.

This activity was held again to increase the number of employees who have first aid knowledge in anticipation of an emergency, especially in the MNC Group office environment, which is attended by tens of thousands of people, both employees and guests from the office, every day.

This is also based on data from the Center for Research on Epidemiology of Disaster, that Indonesia is a disaster-prone country. In the last 30 years, disasters that hit Indonesia have affected more than 600,000 people and killed 6,200 people per year.

On this occasion, MNC Group employees received training on basic first aid, Emergency Management System (SPGD), Basic Life Support (BHD), handling musculoskeletal injuries and soft tissue injuries (wounds) and the evacuation process.

It is hoped that through this training the participants can absorb knowledge from PMI Central Jakarta City well so that if one day an emergency situation occurs, either in our environment or outside, they can help other people.