17 Jan 2023

Encouraging Children's Literacy, MNC Peduli Distributes Library Equipment Assistance

Jakarta – The literacy level of children in Indonesia is still low, even ranking in the bottom 10 countries. This is very concerning and deserves the attention of all parties. Because with good literacy in children, a bright future generation can be formed.

One way to increase literacy can be done by cultivating reading in children. This is what MNC Peduli did by distributing library equipment to one of the informal schools, Pondok Domba School, which is located under a toll road in Jakarta through the #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program.

The children's joy was visible, with the presence of friends from MNC Peduli who also entertained and educated the children with various activities such as singing, coloring and playing quizzes.

This program is MNC Peduli's support for Pondok Domba School which has attempted to provide education for underprivileged children living around the school. On this occasion, parents also received basic material assistance.

Pondok Domba School founder Anggiat Simanullang expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by MNC Peduli. This assistance is expected to support students' learning facilities.

"We are very grateful and grateful that the assistance means a lot to us because we lack many facilities. Hopefully with this assistance the children will be more enthusiastic about learning," he said, Tuesday (17/1/2023).

The student's parent, Ningsih (40) also expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided. Not only library facilities, MNC Peduli also provides basic food assistance in the form of rice to parents of students. He hopes that this assistance will be useful for his little family.

"We also hope that in the future there will be many people out there who will care about us (toll road occupants)," he said.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that her party believes that every child has the right to get a good education wherever they are.

"Through the #GenerasiCerdasAnak Bangsa program, we continue to strive to help support children's education, one of which is by encouraging children's interest in literacy with the help of libraries," he explained.

It is known that MNC Peduli is a forum for social activities from the MNC Group and all affiliated business units. In carrying out its vision and mission, #mnccare carries out social activities to help communities, especially the underprivileged and those affected by disasters.