03 Mar 2023

Encouraging Children's Literacy, MNC Peduli Hands Over Children's Reading Books to LKSA Rumah Harapan Baru

Rumah Pengharapan Baru Child Welfare Institution (LKSA) is a haven for children who no longer have or have been abandoned by their parents. Accommodating dozens of various age ranges, LKSA Rumah Harapan Baru certainly has a role in encouraging literacy in the children it fosters.

In their daily lives, apart from receiving support in going to school, foster children also receive assistance in the learning process. Even foster children with disabilities receive additional therapy every day.

Foster children are also encouraged to advance literacy in the hope of becoming the nation's next generation who are intelligent and broad-minded.

As an appreciation to LKSA Rumah Harapan Baru in its efforts to advance children's literacy, MNC Peduli distributed reading book donations to enrich children's reading types.

The reading book assistance was received directly by the Chair of the Normala Susanna Foundation at LKSA Rumah Harapan Baru, West Bandung on Friday (3/3/2023).

This assistance is part of the #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program carried out by MNC Peduli to encourage the nation's next generation to be healthy and intelligent, one of which is by encouraging increased literacy.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo expressed her appreciation for the management of the reading park. "As we know, the literacy level in Indonesia is still very low. "MNC Peduli, really appreciate the reading park's efforts to increase literacy," said Jessica.

Jessica also hopes that her party can encourage interest in literacy. "Of course, we hope that MNC Peduli's support through the #GenerasiCerdasAnak Bangsa program can help this reading park improve literacy," she explained.