03 Mar 2023

Supporting Children's Literacy, MNC Peduli Distributes Children's Reading Books to TBM Gunung Ilmu

West Bandung– Community Reading Park (TBM) is an effort to increase literacy by presenting various kinds of reading books. Especially in the era of digitalization, it is hoped that reading parks can reduce gadget addiction with reading and various interesting literacy activities.

One of them is the Gunung Ilmu Community Reading Park (TBM) which is located in the Giriasih area, Kec. Batujajar, West Bandung Regency. TBM Gunung Ilmu was founded out of young people's concern for the literacy of local residents.

Not only providing reading books, a number of productive activities are provided to the local community, such as education on fish cultivation and processing fertilizer from rice husks. It is hoped that these various activities will have a positive impact on the surrounding community.

As an appreciation for the efforts to increase literacy carried out by TBM Gunung Ilmu, MNC Peduli supports it by providing various kinds of reading books to add variety to the TBM library.

Reading book assistance was handed over to Angga Kurniawan as Founder of TBM Gunung Ilmu on Friday (3/3/2023).