16 Nov 2023

MNC Group's 34th Anniversary, MNC Group Plants Trees to Green Kebon Sirih Area

Jakarta - MNC Group, through MNC Peduli, also carries out social activities, namely tree planting. This activity was carried out at the Kebon Sirih RPTRA on Thursday (16/11/2023). This activity is part of the 34th Anniversary of the MNC Group.

The tree planting was led directly by MNC Group Executive Chairwoman Liliana Tanoesoedibjo. Not alone, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo was also accompanied by Miss Indonesia 2022 Audrey Vanessa, Miss Indonesia 2020 Carla Yules, Miss Indonesia 2016 Natasha Mannuela and Runner Up Miss Indonesia 2011 Amanda Zevannya.

Also present were the Head of Menteng District, Suprayogi and the Head of Kebon Sirih Village, Heru Tri Prasetyo. This activity was certainly appreciated by Suprayogi as Head of Menteng Subdistrict, Central Jakarta. Suprayogi said, representing the Menteng sub-district, his party would like to thank MNC Group for caring about the environment.

"My hope is that in the future MNC Group can become a foster parent or adopt the Kebon Sirih RPTRA because there is still a lot of need for planting green plants here. "If we look there is space that has not been filled with greenery," said Suprayogi when met at the Kebon Sirih RPTRA, Thursday (16/11/2023).

Suprayogi added that his party does not close the opportunity if someone wants to collaborate in carrying out social activities related to tree planting. "We really hope that because of MNC Group's position in front of the RPTRA, hopefully MNC Group can become the sole parent for the Kebon Sirih RPTRA, so that in the future it is hoped that it can become a mainstay RPTRA where the contents are full of greenery," concluded Suprayogi.

For information, the 34th MNC Group Anniversary carries the theme "Rising Together". This theme aims to raise the fighting spirit of the MNC Group as one solid unit.

Apart from planting trees, a series of other activities have also been carried out to organize the environment in the Kebon Sirih area. These activities include making vertical gardens, planting vines, making murals, painting sidewalks and others.