28 Feb 2023

Housewife from Solok gets prosthetic leg from community donation through MNC Peduli

Bukittinggi – Wati (50), a housewife from Solok, West Sumatra, was forced to have an amputation due to an infection she suffered three years ago due to a fall. Wati previously did not realize that her condition could result in the loss of one of her cloths.

Coming from an underprivileged family, this mother of two children tried to get a prosthetic leg using health insurance, but it could not be covered in full so Wati received additional assistance from MNC Peduli.

After undergoing a series of measurement processes and so on, Wati finally got her prosthetic leg in Bukittinggi on Friday (24/2/2023).

For this assistance, a mother named Pendri Gusmawati (50) expressed her gratitude, because now she can walk around the complex.

"Thank God, now I can walk around the complex. "Previously, I just sat around, now I can bathe myself until I cry because I'm emotional," said the resident of Sawah Laweh, Pakan Rabaa Village, Koto Parik Gadang Diateh District, South Solok Regency.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that this assistance was MNC Peduli's commitment to caring for disabilities. "We are trying to help people with disabilities, one of which is by providing medical aids," said Jessica.

Jessica also expressed her appreciation to MNC Peduli donors. "Of course, all of this can happen because of the kindness of #HeroesofGoodness who have donated through MNC Peduli," explained Jessica.

It is known that MNC Peduli is a forum for social activities from the MNC Group and all affiliated business units. In carrying out its vision and mission, #mnccare carries out social activities to help communities, especially the underprivileged and those affected by disasters.

The three main pillars implemented are social, humanitarian and religious, including those related to education, the environment and infrastructure development.