14 Jun 2024

Eid al-Adha 1445 H, MNC Peduli Distributes Sacrificial Animals to Residents through Police Institutions

Jakarta – Every year during Eid al-Adha, MNC Group through MNC Peduli distributes donations of sacrificial animals to the community.

Sacrificial animals are distributed directly to the community and also through a number of institutions that protect and serve the community, one of which is the police institution.

MNC Peduli handed over the sacrificial cows and sheep to the Central Jakarta Police, West Jakarta Police, South Jakarta Police, Menteng Police and Kebon Jeruk Police so that later they could be distributed more widely and on target.

The Main Director of MNC Finance, Gabriel Mahjudin, said that his party chose the police institution, because the Bhayangkara corps was directly and closely involved with the community.

"Indeed, we chose this police force because they have direct contact with the local community and maintain order in their respective areas," he said, Friday (14/6/2024).

The hope, said Gabriel, is that the police can distribute the results of the sacrifice in the form of cows and sheep on target, namely to people in need.

"We think they also know who has the right to receive it. We hope that those who receive the sacrifice are indeed the people who have the right," he said.

"It's not people who can afford to accept that, we deliberately chose the police institution because they know that this place really has a shortage," he continued.

On the other hand, the West Jakarta Metro Police, who were one of the recipients of sacrificial animals from MNC Peduli, expressed their thanks.

"On behalf of the West Jakarta Police, we would like to express our gratitude for the gift of sacrificial animals which will be given to the West Jakarta Police," said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKBP Andri Kurniawan at the West Jakarta Police, Friday (14/6/2024).

West Jakarta Police, said Andri, will distribute sacrificial animals provided by MNC Peduli to local residents. The hope is that people can participate and experience the joy of Eid al-Adha.

"We will also hand over the sacrificial animals given to the West Jakarta Police to local residents in the West Jakarta area," he said.