05 Oct 2023

Stunting Intervention, MNC Peduli Distributes Nutritious Food through the Jakarta Action Program

MNC Peduli is committed to continuing to reduce stunting rates among children under five in RW 05, Galur Village, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.

After almost a month since the nutritional intake program for dozens of stunted children under five was running, on Thursday (5/10/2023) we were again monitoring to see the success of the program.

Head of CSR MNC Group, Tengku Havid, said that the program had been implemented for more than a month thanks to collaboration with the Central Jakarta City Government.

"This is a collaboration between the Central Jakarta Mayor's office and MNC Peduli, which was initiated by the Mayor of Central Jakarta," said Tengku Havid, Thursday (5/10/2023).

This intensive activity, which is carried out every day, provides nutritious food for 90 days to toddlers in Galur Village.

"MNC Peduli continues to contribute to stunting prevention in several regions in Indonesia. Especially in 2023, we will provide assistance in Central Jakarta, such as in North Petojo, which we do every month. Then there will also be in Duri Pulo and Galur," he said.

The Head of RW 05, Galur Subdistrict, Atiqah, added that the nutritional intake program for stunted children is very useful because it is given for 90 days or three months.

"The benefits are huge because it helps stunted children eat more nutritious and regular meals," he said.

The menu and food delivery always changes and is adjusted to recommendations from doctors at the health center.

"Sometimes it is changed. There are vegetables and fruit as well as side dishes. It has been running since September 4 2023 for the next three months," he said.