08 Sep 2023

Reaching Remote Areas, MNC Peduli and DoctorShare Provide Free Health Services on Bungin Island, Sumbawa

Sumbawa – To reach underdeveloped, frontier and outermost areas (3T), MNC Peduli is collaborating with DoctorShare to provide various health services on Bungin Island, Sumbawa on 6 – 8 September 2023.

Bungin Island in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara is the most densely populated settlement in the world because on an area of 8.5 to 12 hectares it is inhabited by more than 5,000 people.

To help the residents of Bungin Island, MNC Peduli and DoctorShare provide free general treatment as well as minor and major operations.

Hundreds of residents looked enthusiastic in taking part in the activities held on the pinisi ship and this settlement.

Vice Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo said that this activity was one of a series of collaborations between MNC Peduli and DoctorShare.

"MNC Peduli and DoctorShare held free cataract operations for 150 people in the 3T area," she explained.

Furthermore, Jessica hopes that assistance through MNC Peduli can be useful for the community.

"Hopefully the assistance from MNC Peduli's #HeroKebaikan can immediately benefit the community to stay healthy and productive. "Apart from that, with this collaboration, we will also strive so that these benefits can be felt by the wider community," Jessica hoped.