18 Aug 2023

MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic Inaugurated, Improving Health Services

Jakarta - This is a list of facilities at the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic. The clinic, which is located in the Highend Building, MNC Center, Kebon Sirih, Menteng, Central Jakarta, was just inaugurated on Friday (18/8/2023).

Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo explained a number of health facilities at the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic. Not only does it provide various more general facilities, apparently this can also be a referral clinic for several community health centers around the area.

"Now we are still at the Pratama Clinic stage, of course the existing facilities include more general health services, but we can also become an extension of the puskesmas," said Jessica, when interviewed at the location, after the inauguration of the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic, Friday (18/8/2023).

One of the services that will be provided at the clinic is a free vaccination service. This service can be obtained by employees, guests from the MNC Center, and the surrounding community.

"Including, for example, there are vaccinations that are given free of charge by the community health center, we can also give them at the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic," she said.

Jessica also explained that before it was inaugurated, the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic had previously been a place for examining and treating Covid-19 patients during the pandemic that occurred some time ago.

"A little information, this clinic was previously to facilitate during the pandemic. "So it might be a suitable place, because during the pandemic this is one of the places where we are trying to suppress the spread of Covid," she said.

As Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, Jessica then admitted that she was proud to be able to take part in inaugurating the clinic. Moreover, he is also often involved in several health-related activities with MNC Peduli.

"As Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, I am very proud today to be able to witness the inauguration of the MNC Medical Center Pratama Clinic, because MNC Peduli itself has little information, operates in various social fields, including health services.

"One of them is ambulance services and vaccinations during the pandemic, there are also free operations for cataracts, hernias and others," she said.

Jessica Tanoesoedibjo hopes that this clinic can not only be a facility that provides health services for MNC Group employees, as well as guests in the MNC Center area, but also for the community around the Kebon Sirih area who also want to receive various health services.

"Of course, the hope is that in the future this can become an integrated health service, not only for the MNC Center area, but for employees and those in the surrounding areas, including those from Park Hyatt Jakarta, including guests, we can serve everyone at this clinic," hoped Jessica Tanoesoedibjo.