21 Oct 2023

Jakarta's Air Quality is Bad, Hundreds of Thousands of Masks Distributed in Jakarta's Old City

Jakarta – Air quality in Jakarta is not getting better. One effort to minimize the negative impact of air quality on health, using masks can be one effort.

Previously, MNC Peduli, Skrineer and Oi BPW DKI Jakarta had distributed masks to visitors to CFD Jakarta some time ago. Currently around 350,000 masks are being distributed to residents of Jakarta and its surroundings who are on a trip to visit the Old City of Jakarta on Saturday (21/10/2023).

This activity is a joint commitment in an effort to protect the health of people who are doing outdoor activities and is part of the distribution of 2 million masks to the people of Jakarta.

Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that her party was working with Skrineer to distribute 2 million masks in the Jakarta area.

"Now pollution is increasing and many people are experiencing respiratory tract infections, so we really need to share and socialize the need to wear masks and this is for all of our health," said Jessica.

Furthermore, Jessica hopes that using a mask can reduce respiratory infections.

"Because if you are exposed to pollution for a long period of time the impact on your health will also be quite long," he said.