07 Jun 2023

Financial Literacy and Vertical Garden Creation at SMAN 1 Babakan Madang

Bogor - MNC Sekuritas is a business unit of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) and the best securities company that has a reputation and has received various awards. In line with this, MNC Sekuritas carries out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities consistently and sustainably with the hope of having a positive impact on the surrounding environment.

In commemoration of Environment Day, MNC Sekuritas and MNC Peduli initiated the creation of a vertical garden at SMAN 1 Babakan Madang, Bogor on Wednesday (07/06/2023). The creation of a vertical garden was carried out by recycling ± 1,000 used plastic bottles into plant containers by students of SMAN 1 Babakan Madang. The inauguration ceremony of the Vertical Garden at SMAN 1 Babakan Madang was attended by the Main Director of MNC Sekuritas Susy Meilina, the Head of SMAN 1 Babakan Madang Vera Verianti, the Head of the Bogor Unity IBI Investment Gallery Yoyon Supriadi, representatives of MNC Peduli, and 6 (six) Principals of the Adiwiyata school. built by SMAN 1 Babakan Madang.

MNC Sekuritas President Director Susy Meilina explained that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the environmental sector has been carried out by MNC Sekuritas in a sustainable manner over the last few years, for example reducing the use of plastic containers by distributing tumblers to employees and canvas bags for customer merchandise, as well as minimizing the use of paper. by digitizing stock account opening.

"We thank SMAN 1 Babakan Madang which is a partner of the MNC Sekuritas Education Investment Gallery for supporting the initiative of MNC Sekuritas and MNC Peduli in creating this vertical garden. Apart from that, synergy in the capital market sector through educational activities is also actively carried out by CMC Junior (Capital Market Club) SMAN 1 Babakan Madang. "We hope that the existence of this vertical garden will be the first step for the younger generation to love the environment, and can inspire other schools that are affected by SMAN 1 Babakan Madang," said Susy.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo explained that the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program initiated by MNC Peduli and MNC Sekuritas was not only aimed at reducing plastic waste, but could also reduce carbon emissions through planting.

"By building this vertical garden, not only does it reduce plastic waste, planting trees can also reduce carbon emissions. "The hope is that this activity can increase students' awareness of reducing plastic waste and also foster a love of the environment," said Jessica Tanoesoedibjo.

On the same occasion, MNC Sekuritas also held capital market education to ± 700 students of SMAN 1 Babakan Madang face to face, as well as students from impact schools virtually. This is a form of MNC Sekuritas' commitment to intensively increasing education and financial inclusion in the country.