09 May 2023

Through Study, MNC Peduli and Raudhatul Jannah Mosque Invite Hundreds of Congregants to Develop Post-Ramadan Personalities

MNC Peduli together with the Raudhatul Jannah Mosque held a study entitled Becoming a Better Person with Sharia Economic Expert speaker, Ir. Adiwarman Azwar Karim, SE,. MBA., MAEP at the Raudhatul Jannah Mosque, Tuesday (9/5/2023).

In the study which was held after the congregational midday prayers, ustadz and speaker, Sharia Economics Expert, Ir. Adiwarman Azwar Karim, SE,. MBA., repeatedly reminded that when a human being wants to become a better person, it is not only his worship that must continue to be improved, but also good relations with fellow human beings must continue to be maintained.

One of the congregation, Fara Dewi Utami, who is an RCTI employee, said that the message to be a human being who is useful to others and to become a better person is one of the messages that touched her heart and will always be remembered by her.

Moreover, Ustadz Adimarwan delivered the tausiyah in a very interactive way, interspersed with interesting jokes and games which made the participants enthusiastic so that the message conveyed was always remembered well.

"Thank God, this study was very interactive, the ustadz who delivered the tausiyah was very enjoyable. So he could convey the message to become a better person, where as a human being you must be useful to others," said Fara Dewi Utami, Raudhatul Jannah mosque, MNC Studios, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta West, Tuesday (9/5/2023).

Fara Dewi Utami also hopes that studies and other events that convey messages of goodness will continue to be held so that the congregation can stay in touch with each other to become better individuals.

"Thank God, everything went smoothly, it was fun. Hopefully I will hold a useful event so that the congregation can continue to become better individuals," he said.

After attending the study, the event closed with halal bihalal and greetings by the congregation and administrators of the Raudhatul Jannah Mosque and lunch together.