04 Apr 2023

Towards Zero Waste, MNC Cares about Recycling Paper Waste together with the Group of Women Headed of Households (Pekka)

Bekasi – According to data published on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in 2022 the amount of paper waste will reach around 11% of the total waste in Indonesia.

As a step to tackle paper waste in the office environment, MNC Peduli invites MNC Group employees to collect paper waste so that it can be recycled.

From the paper collection, MNC Peduli collaborates with groups of women heads of households (Pekka) to produce paper waste into craft items with marketable value.

Through this program, it is hoped that it can reduce the waste problem and also support MSME products from Pekka so that it can provide additional income to this group of women.