07 Mar 2024

Suffering from congenital birth defects, 4 month old baby gets help from MNC Peduli

Jakarta – Reporting from the World Health Organization (WHO) website, it is estimated that 6% of babies worldwide are born with congenital abnormalities. About 50% of congenital abnormalities cannot be attributed to a specific cause.

However, known causes include single gene defects, chromosomal abnormalities, multifactorial inheritance, environmental teratogens, and micronutrient deficiencies. Genetic causes can be traced to inherited genes or from mutations.

This is what happened to a 4 month old baby who lives in Ciputat, Fiersa Sabil Hidayatullah. Born on November 14 2023, Fiersa was born with various birth defects. The baby was born with congenital heart disease, small intestinal adhesions and a perforated intestine, cerebral palsy and Townes Brock syndrome.

Due to the complications experienced by Fiersa, MNC Peduli is trying to help this tiny baby live a better life with assistance in the form of medical support. The support provided is in the form of assistance for chromosome examination costs in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, procurement of health aids such as suction tube sets, oxygen cylinders, inhalation devices and sets for administering milk through a sonde.