27 Mar 2024

MNC Bank and MNC Peduli Provide Compensation for Orphans at the Orphanage Foundation

Jakarta - In order to welcome the holy month of Ramadan 1445 H/2024, MNC Bank through the CSR Ramadhan program distributed assistance in the form of compensation and breaking the fast together at the Nurul Iman Jafariah Orphanage Foundation in Jakarta, (26/3/2024).

MNC Bank Corporate Secretary, Heru Sulistiadhi, said that the assistance provided was in the form of basic necessities such as rice, sugar, cooking oil, nutritious food and other children's support needs. Apart from that, MNC Bank also provides clothing needs from the contributions of participating MNC Bank employees.

Apart from giving donations, a fast breaking event was also held with 42 orphanage children and foundation administrators.

"This CSR activity is a form of MNC Bank and MNC Peduli's concern for the children at the Nurul Iman Jafariah orphanage. We hope that this assistance can be beneficial for the children at the orphanage in meeting their daily and educational needs," said Heru at the location, Tuesday (26/3/2024).

The manager of Panti Nurul Iman Jafariah, Umi Naiyah, appreciated the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program which held fasting together as well as providing compensation to orphans.

Umi Naiyah hopes that this activity will become the seed of a relationship that will never be broken in the future. Because according to him, this activity will certainly really help orphans in particular, and the sustainability of orphanages in general.

"The hope is that MNC Bank, MNC Group and MNC Peduli will never end their relationship with our foundation, it will be longer and more useful, and in the future they will be able to return to our orphanage," hoped Naiyah.

One of the orphanage children who took part in the program, Alfadillah, admitted that he was quite happy with the CSR program organized by MNC Bank and MNC Peduli. Having the same hope, Alfadillah hopes that similar activities can return again. "The event was good, exciting, there were games too, lots of prizes. Thank you MNC Bank and MNC Peduli," said Alfadillah.