31 Jan 2023

MNC Land and MNC Peduli Hold Free Hemoglobin Tests for Female Students at SMPN 1 Cigombong

Bogor - Students at SMP Negeri 1 Cigombong, Bogor Regency received assistance in the form of checking or screening hemoglobin levels for female students free of charge from MNC Land through MNC Peduli.

This effort is an early anticipation of the dangers of blood disorders in female students, such as anemia and other diseases.

"Today's activity at SMPN 1 Cigombong is screening and early detection of HB levels for adolescent girls in grades 7 to 10, which is a national activity from the central government," said the Head of the Cigombong Community Health Center, Dr. Dian Nurdiani to MNC Portal, Tuesday (31/1/2023).

In this screening, the Cigombong Community Health Center and the school will record female students who have anemia to be given further action such as administering blood-boosting drugs. As a result, no female students were found to suffer from severe anemia.

"The goal is screening, early detection of our teenagers targeting middle and high school so that we can comb through the amount of potential data in Cigombong District as an effort to anticipate the direction of our follow-up. Thank God no severe criteria were found. So anemia is divided into 3 mild, moderate and severe" , he said..

Apart from that, with this early detection, the school can carry out data collection as well as regular checks including follow-up for female students who lack blood. This can also influence the learning process of female students at school.

"We certainly welcome this activity because of course we want to have all students healthy. With regular examinations we can prevent severe anemia from occurring in our students and of course if that happens it will hinder the students' way of learning," said the Principal of SMP Negeri 1 Cigombong, Rojai.

During the activity, hundreds of female students were seen very enthusiastically listening to the education provided as well as the screening process. It is hoped that in the future the collaboration or collaboration between MNC Land and MNC Peduli with the school can continue.

"We hope that with MNC Land and MNC Peduli we can continue to work together well in the achievements of our students and the process of learning activities at SMPN 1 Cigombong," he hoped.