18 Feb 2023

MNC Peduli Provides Support for Literacy Through Book Donations

Sukabumi – Through the #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program, MNC Peduli shows its concern for the world of children's education, one of which is efforts to increase literacy through providing reading books. This is because Indonesia's literacy level is relatively low.

This time MNC Peduli distributed reading books to the library at the Al-Quran Calligraphy Institute (Lemka) in Sukabumi on Friday (17/2/2023). Lemka is the first calligraphy institution in Indonesia which was founded in 1985. For 36 years Lemka has been active in managing education and training in the field of calligraphy art specifically.

Lemka has the aim of "Developing talent and introducing Islamic treasures" with efforts including "Accelerating the process of popularizing the art of writing khat or calligraphy to all levels of society, especially young people, in the country."

It is hoped that the reading book assistance from MNC Peduli can increase the students' reading book collections thereby enriching their existing repertoire of reading types.

Lemka's leader, DR KH Didin Sirojuddin AR, M.Ag, said that his students were very happy to receive the book assistance and admitted that the books they brought were very suitable for reading by their students and female students.

"In our library (Lemka) there is a special section about novels, then stories and tales (of the characters). And those books are what they usually call them, so the books that come and are given to them will definitely be liked by our children in Lemka," said KH Didin Sirojuddin to MNC Portal Indonesia.

With the help of this book, continued KH Didin Sirojuddin, knowledge and literacy will increase. The reason is because one of the characteristics of calligraphy is the history of the search for styles which includes the search for forms and the search for schools of thought.

"And the way to find that is by telling stories, so that the books sent by MNC Peduli to them are considered suitable and very enjoyable. In the future, we hope that the books sent can be added so that the knowledge gained from the existing books will increase," said KH Didin Sirojuddin.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo expressed her concern about the literacy level in Indonesia. "It is very unfortunate that currently the Indonesian people's reading index is 62 out of 70 countries," said Jessica.

"We hope that the various #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa activities can encourage Indonesian children's interest in literacy in the future," she added.