18 Apr 2023

MNC Peduli and Raudhatul Jannah Mosque Provide Ramadan Compensation

Jakarta – During Ramadan 1444 H, MNC Peduli supports the activities of the Raudhatul Jannah Mosque. Various spiritual activities are carried out every day for visiting congregations.

One of the activities carried out was breaking the fast and providing compensation to 750 poor people and basic workers around the MNC Studios area which was given directly by the Chair of MNC Peduli, Syafril Nasution and [name of Mosque representative] on Monday (18/4/2023).

This activity entitled "Ramadan Sprinkled with Deliciousness" also featured performances and cults from Ustad Xong Lee.

One of the recipients of compensation, Yudi Hermawan, admitted that he was happy to be able to receive assistance from MNC Peduli.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm happy, I'm happy, if there's an event like this, we'll have a friendly relationship, it's good, we'll be happy like that. We hope that MNC will continue to be successful and care for all of its affairs," said Yudi after receiving compensation in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Monday (17 /4/2023).

Another compensation recipient named Zaenal Abidin admitted that he was greatly helped by the compensation from MNC Peduli. He hopes that similar events can continue.

"Thank you, it's very useful for us, thank you. Hopefully it will still be there every year, I'm really happy about it," he said.

It is known that MNC Peduli is a forum for social activities from the MNC Group and all affiliated business units. In carrying out its vision and mission, #mnccare carries out social activities to help communities, especially the underprivileged and those affected by disasters.

The three main pillars implemented are social, humanitarian and religious, including those related to education, the environment and infrastructure development.