14 Mar 2023

MNC Peduli and PT Berdikari Support Flamboyan Posyandu in North Petojo to Prevent Stunting

Jakarta – In 2022, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia will be 21.6%. This figure shows a decrease from the previous year but is still quite far from the government's target for the stunting rate of 14%.

Stunting not only haunts remote areas, even children in DKI Jakarta can still experience this condition. One example is the children in North Petojo.

Posyandu Flamboyan 8 A-C in Petojo Utara Subdistrict, Central Jakarta assisted 168 pregnant women and toddlers. Based on data available at the 3 posyandu, around 87 children need more attention to avoid malnutrition, 8 of them are already experiencing stunting/wasting/underweight and 79 are experiencing weight faltering or insufficient weight gain.

To support Posyandu Flamboyan 8 A-C in handling the prevention of malnutrition, MNC Peduli collaborated with PT Berdikari to provide assistance in the form of animal protein to posyandu participants, especially pregnant women and toddlers at the posyandu on Tuesday (14/3/2023).

The posyandu routinely provides education on handling and preventing stunting to pregnant/future mothers and also mothers of toddlers. The hope is that with sufficient knowledge, stunting rates in the area can be reduced in the future.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that this activity was part of the #HealthyGenerationSmartGenerationChildrenoftheNation carried out by MNC Peduli.

"Through this program we focus on developing the nation's next generation who are healthy and intelligent. "It cannot be denied that poor nutritional conditions not only affect physical health but also the development of children's intelligence if allowed to continue," she said.