23 May 2023

MNC Peduli and Petojo Utara Community Health Center Provide Stunting Counseling for Mothers

Jakarta – Posyandu Flamboyan 8A-8C cadres in Petojo Utara Subdistrict, Central Jakarta routinely provide assistance every month to 168 pregnant mothers and toddlers. This is to prevent stunting and weight faltering in children.

Monitoring and providing adequate nutrition to children and pregnant women in the first 1000 days, as well as providing timely immunizations can also reduce the risk of stunting.

Currently, the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia is 21.6%, which is still quite far from the government's target for the stunting rate of 14%.

To support Posyandu Flamboyan 8 A-C in handling stunting prevention, MNC Peduli collaborates with the Petojo Utara Community Health Center to support activities at the posyandu by holding outreach to local mothers on Tuesday (23/5/2023).

Resident Ine (30) said that many mothers now care more about the health of their children and toddlers.

"Today, thank God, there is counseling so it can help because there are still people who are unfamiliar with immunization, especially now that polio and measles are on the rise, so it is quite helpful to have immunization education like this," said Ine at the location.

Not only that, according to Ine, the role of MNC Peduli also makes local mothers more enthusiastic about holding their children and toddlers.

"It's nice to feel like there is support like that, yes, from MNC Peduli, people can be helped and they will be more willing, like they are invited and enthusiastic to come," she added.

"I really hope that MNC will continue to care about this because the community also seems to be more enthusiastic and more encouraged to come back to Posyandu," she continued.