31 May 2023

MNC Peduli Encourages Literacy Interest of Raudhatul Mustofa Lumajang Kindergarten Students

Lumajang – Located near the foot of Mount Semeru, Raudhatul Mustofa Kindergarten is in the permanent residential area of Sumbermujur Village, Lumajang Regency.

The existence of this kindergarten also plays a role as an institution that helps the trauma healing process for children who are refugees from the eruption of Mount Semeru.

Apart from undergoing formal learning such as reading, writing and arithmetic, students are also introduced to cultural literacy through regional dances.

Supporting Raudhatul Mustofa Kindergarten activities, MNC Peduli supports by providing assistance in the form of reading books to broaden students' insight

Assistance was provided by the MNC Peduli team on Wednesday (31/5/2023).

Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo expressed her appreciation for the reading house management.

"We really appreciate reading parks that are active in efforts to increase the literacy of Indonesian children. "As we know, current literacy programs are still very much needed to increase Indonesia's literacy level," said Jessica.

Jessica also hopes that her party can encourage interest in literacy. "Of course, we hope that MNC Peduli's support through the #GenerasiCerdasAnak Bangsa program can help reading gardens improve literacy," she explained.