14 Apr 2023

MNC Peduli Supports celebrities.id Ramadan Activities at Setu Babakan Betawi Cultural Village

Jakarta– Portal celebrities.id together with MNC Peduli again held the celebrities.id Sharing event with dozens of orphaned children.

This time the event was held at the Setu Babakan Betawi Cultural Village Multipurpose Building, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta on Friday (14/4/2023).

Through the theme "Spread Kindness, Reap Blessings", celebrities.id Shares involves those who are less fortunate, especially orphans.

It is known that celebrities.id Sharing is an annual routine event held by the celebrities.id portal.

Celebrities.id Editor-in-Chief Tuty Ocktaviany said that this event is regularly held during the holy month of Ramadan.

“This celebrities.id Sharing event is the third time. "With our theme 'Spreading Kindness, Reaping Blessings', we hope it can provide many blessings for all of us," said Tuty Ocktaviany.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, said that MNC Peduli's Ramadan activities with MNC Celebrities.id have been running since previous years.

"This collaboration is routinely carried out during the month of Ramadan, we hope it can provide benefits and spread the joyful spirit of Ramadan to children," said Jessica Tanosoedibjo.

Not only sharing with others, celebrities.id Sharing also provides interesting entertainment. This time it comes from a singer with a strong character. Call it Joaquine. His name became popular after becoming a finalist in Indonesian Idol Junior 2018.

Then there is Jelita Jelly. The sound is very distinctive from dangdut music. Jelita became known after participating in the KDI 2020 talent search event. Not only that, Jelita's name became more widely known after she created a lot of content on social media or was called a TikToker.

Jelita is also popular on the television screen thanks to her stunning acting. He appeared in the soap opera Amanah Wali.

Another singer who also enlivened celebrities.id Share 2023, namely Abi Rafdi. Who doesn't know Abi?

It is known that Abi is the 1st winner of KDI 2018. Orphans are waiting for her presence at the celebrities.id Sharing event.

celebrities.id Sharing event ran smoothly and successfully with full support from MNC Peduli and MNC Portal Indonesia (MPI). Apart from that, support also came from ASAATID, Image Dynamics, Yamazaki MYROTI, Kokita, Indocafe, Star Media Nusantara (SMN), Daarul Qur'an, Ministry of Religion, BenihBaik.com and the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC).