29 May 2023

MNC Peduli Supports Literacy Activities at the Semeru Alam School Reading House

Lumajang – The Semeru Nature School Reading Park was founded out of concern for the literacy education of children in permanent residential areas relocating for refugees from the Mount Semeru eruption disaster.

The Semeru Alam School reading house not only provides access to reading but also has various useful literacy activities.

Apart from that, the Semeru Nature School Reading House also teaches children to love the environment, one of which is by training in the cultivation of orchid trees.

Supporting the activities of the Semeru Alam School Reading House, MNC Peduli supports it by providing assistance in the form of reading books to broaden local children's knowledge and insight.

Assistance was provided by the MNC Peduli team on Tuesday (30/5/2023).

Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo expressed her appreciation for the reading house management.

"We really appreciate reading parks that are active in efforts to increase the literacy of Indonesian children. "As we know, current literacy programs are still very much needed to increase Indonesia's literacy level," said Jessica.

Jessica also hopes that her party can encourage interest in literacy. "Of course, we hope that MNC Peduli's support through the #GenerasiCerdasAnak Bangsa program can help reading gardens improve literacy," she explained.