27 Oct 2023

MNC Peduli Supports Manggis Integrated Service Post Activities in 2 Galur Subdistricts

Committing to preventing stunting in Galur Village, MNC Peduli supports the activities of Manggis 2 Posyandu Galur Village on Friday (27/10/2023).

During the Posyandu activities on that day, counseling was carried out on stunting prevention involving the Galur Village Community Health Center. The material presented is regarding guidelines for feeding children.

MNC Peduli handed over children's reading books about healthy food and clean and healthy living behavior to the Johar Baru District Health Center, Galur Village Health Center and Manggis 2 Posyandu cadres.

This activity is also to directly monitor the growth and development of children who receive assistance from MNC Peduli through the #JakartaBeraksi program which is a collaboration with the Central Jakarta City Government.

Through the #JakartaBeraksi program, 19 children in Galur Subdistrict with stunting, wasting and underweight status received nutritious food assistance every afternoon and evening for 90 days.

Head of CSR MNC Group Tengku Havid said that reducing stunting is one of MNC Peduli's main focuses.

"To achieve the golden generation of 2045, MNC Peduli continues to carry out stunting prevention activities by collaborating with various parties such as government agencies, the private sector and working directly with local residents/communities," he said.

Havid further expressed his hope that the stunting problem could be resolved soon. "We hope that the prevalence of stunting will continue to decrease, because stunting is the root of the problem which can cause a decline in the health and intelligence of this nation's future generations," he said.