10 Mar 2023

MNC Peduli supports students and residents in implementing the Build Our Village program

Bogor – Pasir Salam Village, located in Leuwisadeng, West Java, has a typical rural atmosphere that looks green and lush. Access to the village on the back of Mount Salak is difficult to reach because the road is full of steep climbs.

Apart from poor access, the village's lighting is also very minimal, making it difficult for residents to carry out their activities when the sky starts to get dark.

MNC Peduli with the "Build Our Village" program supports the activities of Mechanical Engineering Students at Pancasila University together with local residents to make solar-powered street lights in the village on Friday (10/3/2023).

In the spirit of mutual cooperation between residents, students and caring MNCs, we have carried out the installation of street light poles in locations that require lighting which are most often accessed by residents, especially children.

Apart from that, to help residents, the majority of whom work as farmers, Pancasila University Mechanical Engineering Students in synergy with MNC Peduli also assembled rice milling machines to make things easier for residents during harvest time.

Head of CSR MNC Group Tengku Havid revealed that this activity was in line with the "Build Our Village" program. "Development of villages in 3T areas is one of MNC Peduli's focuses in carrying out social missions," explained Havid.