26 May 2023

MNC Peduli Supports Literacy Education in Remote Areas of Lampung

Lampung – Located on the island opposite Lampung City, precisely in Pesawaran Regency, the Pesona Pulau Tegal Community Learning Activity Center (PKBM), which is a people's school, was founded out of concern for children.

Founded by the Tegal Island Education Care Volunteers (SP3T) group chaired by Mrs. Dra. Uniroh, this school has three levels of school, namely packages A, B and C with a total of 33 students.

In fact, this year, PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal will graduate its first class at package C level which is equivalent to high school.

With limited access and information available and previously many were illiterate, Mrs. Uniroh together with the SP3T group intensified literacy activities.

Activities are not only limited to education in reading, writing and arithmetic as well, but there are supporting activities for independent economic development for students, such as making salted eggs, chips, weaving cloth to support their economy.

Apart from that, dancing in environmentally friendly ecoprint clothing is also one of the activities introduced to students.

Appreciating the existence of PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal, MNC Peduli supports literacy activities and donated reading books on Friday (26/5/2023).

Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo hopes that this assistance can increase the types of reading for PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal students.

"We hope that the assistance of reading books can increase the variety of types of reading at PKBM Pesona Pulau Tegal and will be useful and increase the spirit of literacy for students as well," said Jessica.