03 Feb 2023

MNC Peduli Distributes Emergency Class Tent to Giriwinaya Elementary School and Junior High School 3 through BPBD Cianjur

Cianjur – Supporting the Cianjur Regency government's steps in catching up with the teaching and learning process for Cianjur children, MNC Peduli distributed emergency classroom tents through the Cianjur Regency BPBD.

These emergency classroom tents were distributed by the Cianjur Regency BPBD to Giriwinaya Elementary School and Cianjur Middle School 3. Even though they still have to study in emergency classroom tents, it doesn't dampen the children's enthusiasm for learning.

Emergency class tent assistance is currently something that is really needed in the post-emergency response recovery period. BPBD will continue to distribute these emergency tents to schools that still lack tents as teaching and learning facilities.

Nyi Aisyah stated that the Giriwinaya State Elementary School school building was badly damaged after the earthquake that hit Cianjur, so the teaching and learning process was diverted to emergency tents that had been prepared, so that the learning process could continue.

With the help of emergency classroom tents distributed by MNC Peduli, he said, Giriwinaya State Elementary School was greatly helped. The teaching and learning process has returned to normal. "Yes, even though it is still limited, this emergency tent is very helpful," said Nyi Aisyah.

The Principal of SDN Giriwinaya expressed his gratitude for the assistance provided by MNC Peduli to SDN Giriwinaya.

"We, on behalf of the extended family of Giriwinaya State Primary School, would like to thank MNC Peduli, hopefully MNC Peduli's kindness will be rewarded by the Almighty," said the Principal of Giriwinaya State Elementary School.

Meanwhile, the Principal of Cianjur Middle School 3 Nanang Sudiana said he was grateful to be able to receive emergency classroom tent assistance provided by MNC Peduli through BPBD Cianjur.

"At first we were confused about where the children would study, but when I applied for a tent and was given an MNC Peduli emergency classroom tent. Thank you MNC Peduli," said the Principal of Cianjur Middle School 3.

The number of students at Cianjur Middle School 3, said Nanang Sudiana, was 812 people. They consist of classes 1, 2 and 3. Currently, they are placed on land belonging to the school's Islamic boarding school.

"From the number of classes, we divide the schedule, for class 1 they come on Mondays and Thursdays, for class 2 they go on Tuesdays and Fridays, while for class 3 the schedule is on Wednesdays and Saturdays," he said.

Nanang Sudiana hopes for other assistance for Cianjur Middle School 3 students. "Hopefully in the future there will be other assistance because we really need it. We also hope that the school construction will be completed soon so that children can study in a suitable place," said Nanang Sudiana.