19 Jan 2024
MNC Peduli Hands Over Humanitarian Aid to Lewotobi Eruption Victims Through the Acting Regent of East Flores

Karolus Karni Lando said it was hoped that assistance from MNC Peduli could help the residents of East Flores who were affected by the eruption disaster. "Today I handed over aid from MNC Peduli to the victims of the Mount Lewotobi Laki eruption disaster in the form of two tons of rice and two tons of cooking oil. "Hopefully this assistance will be useful for residents," he said, Friday (19/1/2024).
Acting Regent of East Flores, Dores Aleksander, expressed his gratitude to MNC Peduli for providing humanitarian assistance to residents affected by the eruption. "We thank MNC Peduli for helping the residents of East Flores who were affected by the eruption of Mount Lewotobi," he said.
He hopes that this assistance will be useful for the eruption victims and can be put to good use. Also read: Mount Lewotobi in NTT experienced another eruption accompanied by the release of hot clouds. The victim of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi, Pertonela Lewar, admitted that she was very happy with the assistance from MNC Peduli.
“Glad (there is help). "Thank you MNC Peduli," he said. To date, the number of refugees from the eruption of Mount Lewtoboi in East Folres continues to increase until it reaches 6,253 people. They still need help with daily needs.