28 May 2024

MNC Peduli & Srikandi Indonesia Holds Education on Early Detection of Breast Cancer and Hands Over 10,000 Masks to Cancer Fig

Jakarta – According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, breast cancer ranks first in terms of the highest number of cancers in Indonesia and is one of the first contributors to death due to cancer.

The exact cause of breast cancer is not yet known, but there are several risk factors including unhealthy lifestyle, age, and family history.

For early prevention of breast cancer, MNC Peduli and the Indonesian Srikandi Community provide this detection education for housewives in one of the housing complexes in the Bekasi area.

Srikandi Indonesia itself is a community of cancer fighters and survivors which operates in the fields of education, empowerment and assistance to cancer fighters and survivors.

In this educational activity, MNC Peduli also handed over 10,000 masks to Srikandi Indonesia.

Head of CSR MNC Group Tengku Havid said this assistance was part of the One Million Masks for Cancer Fighters program. "This is part of the One Million Masks for Cancer Fighters program which we have been running since the beginning of the year," he said.

Furthermore, Tengku Havid hopes that this mask can be useful in protecting patients who are undergoing treatment so that they are not easily infected with other diseases while doing activities outside.