03 Feb 2023

MNC Peduli x MNC University Holds Training at Emergency School at Jagaraksa Field Refugee Post in Cianjur

Cianjur – During the post-disaster recovery period in Cianjur, there is still a lot of support needed in the children's education sector. Moreover, currently, children in Cianjur are trying to catch up in learning which had stopped.

One of the collective efforts from MNC Peduli and MNC University for students affected by this disaster was by holding English and mathematics training at the emergency school located at the Jagaraksa Cianjur Field evacuation post on Friday (3/2/2023).

Chair of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that this collaboration was an effort to encourage local children to be able to learn in a fun way.

"With Math for Fun and English for fun materials designed by teaching staff from MNC University, it is hoped that it can increase children's interest in learning mathematics and English in the future," said Jessica.

Jessica also said that on this occasion a number of assistance was also provided to students. "We also distributed school supplies packages to the students who participated in today's activities," he said.

According to a number of children, by participating in this activity, they admitted that they felt entertained and happy.

In fact, a number of children admit that learning English and Mathematics is quite easy. Apart from that, the children also hope that they can return to studying in the classroom as usual.

"(Hopefully) we can study normally again, we can study in class," said Dafa Fariz, a student at SDN Jambudipa 1.

The principal of SDN Jambudipa 1, Adah Saadah, also expressed her gratitude and gratitude for this activity because according to her it was very helpful for her party.

MNC Peduli's support for children's education in Cianjur is part of the #GenerasiSerdasAnak Bangsa program carried out by MNC Peduli in an effort to improve the education of Indonesian children.

It is known that MNC Peduli is a forum for social activities from the MNC Group and all affiliated business units. In carrying out its vision and mission, #mnccare carries out social activities to help communities, especially the underprivileged and those affected by disasters.

The three main pillars implemented are social, humanitarian and religious, including those related to education, the environment and infrastructure development.