16 Jan 2023

MNC Peduli x Vision+ x Becoming Human Distributes Community Assistance for the Construction of Isolation Buildings for Mental

Jakarta – Handling mental health issues in Indonesia still requires joint attention. Reporting from the site healthynegeriku.kemkes.go.id, currently Indonesia has a prevalence of people with mental disorders of around 1 in 5 of the population, meaning that around 20% of the population in Indonesia has potential problems with mental disorders.

However, with the high potential and mental health problems, it is not balanced with existing human resources and related infrastructure, such as the lack of shelter or rehabilitation that can accommodate patients with these psychological conditions.

Due to their shared concern for mental issues in Indonesia, MNC Peduli together with Vision+ and Becoming Human invites the wider community to help with the problems that occur by raising funds in 2022.

From the funds collected, community funds were channeled to the Al Fajar Berseri Foundation Mental Disability Rehabilitation Home for the construction of an isolation building. The assistance was symbolically handed over by the Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanosoedibjo and Co-founder of Being Human Adam A. Abednego at the MNC Financial Center on Monday (16/1/2023).

Al Fajar Berseri Foundation Mental Disability Rehabilitation Home located in Tambun, Bekasi is one of the largest mental disability rehabilitation homes in West Java. Currently, it accommodates more than 500 residents with psychological conditions, both congenital and those that develop after adulthood, as well as several neglected elderly people.

Marsan, as Chair of the Al Fajar Berseri Foundation, said that he experienced many obstacles while managing the orphanage. "One of them is that we accept more and more residents every day, but currently the facilities are still lacking for our more than 500 residents, both children and the elderly," he said.

"For example, there is a lack of facilities for children or buildings to accommodate residents," explained Marsan.

"Marsan also said that there are still many people who still don't understand how to deal with families who have psychological conditions, so there are many cases of people being shackled and abandoned and ultimately ending up in this orphanage," said Marsan.