26 May 2023

MNC Sekuritas Supports the Empowerment of Muara Gembong PKK Mothers Assisted by MNC Peduli

Bekasi - MNC Sekuritas is a business unit of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk (BCAP) and the best securities company that has a reputation and has received various awards. In line with this, MNC Sekuritas actively implements Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) consistently and sustainably to bring a positive impact to society.

In synergy with MNC Peduli, MNC Sekuritas supports the empowerment of PKK women in Pantai Bakti Village, Muara Gembong District, Bekasi, West Java by providing business capital and materials to be produced into bags and wallets. The results of this work were purchased by MNC Peduli and MNC Sekuritas as promotional merchandise. For information, Pantai Bakti Village is a village supported by MNC Peduli.

Previously, MNC Sekuritas also supported the holding of a workshop on recycling plastic waste into handicraft items by MNC Peduli for PKK women in Sumur Batu Village, Bantar Gate, Bekasi in 2021.

Main Director of MNC Sekuritas, Susy Meilina, explained that MNC Sekuritas, as a local securities company that has been established for more than 30 years, is committed to supporting improving people's living standards through education about the importance of investment, one of which is by earning additional income through entrepreneurship.

“We want to play an active role in helping housewives to be more independent. With the skills they already have, for example sewing, they can help the family economy through the additional income they generate. We hope that this women's empowerment program will also foster an entrepreneurial spirit and creativity in managing family finances. "Apart from that, the products produced in the form of bags and wallets will be distributed by MNC Sekuritas as promotional merchandise, so it is hoped that this will also reduce waste from single-use bags," said Susy, Thursday (25/05/2023).

MNC Sekuritas continues to support sustainable program efforts involving Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). In the environmental aspect, various initiatives have been implemented, both within the internal employee environment and externally.

"We believe that the business run by MNC Sekuritas must be in line with the principles of environmental conservation so that it can run sustainably. "Therefore, we have implemented various programs such as using tumblers by employees, opening stock accounts fully online without the need to send physical documents, and so on, to actively contribute positively to a better environment," said Susy.

For information, in the near future, MNC Sekuritas will also collaborate with MNC Peduli to hold CSR activities related to the environment at one of the high schools in the Bogor area, where students process plastic bottle waste into containers for making vertical gardens in the school environment.

Meanwhile, Deputy General Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, said that this program is part of MNC Group's CSR through sustainable MNC Peduli. "We encourage MNC Group business units to support the MSMEs of our fostered community in Pantai Bakti Village in producing cloth shopping bags and wallets," she said.

Jessica hopes that this support will continue to encourage this business group to continue to be creative, productive and independent in the future. "Hopefully it can also inspire other mothers to continue to be empowered and creative," said Jessica