17 Feb 2023

Free Hernia Surgery MNC Peduli x RSI Assyifa Sukabumi

Sukabumi – Hernias can be very disturbing to the condition of people who suffer from them. Because the lump that is felt can be very uncomfortable and if it gets worse it can interfere with the person's activities. Moreover, hernias can attack all ages, from children to adults.

To help overcome and assist people who have hernia conditions, MNC Peduli and Assyifa Islamic Hospital collaborate to provide free surgical services for underprivileged communities in Sukabumi and its surroundings.

This collaboration, which has been running since 2017, has now entered its second wave, whereas previously in November 2022 the first wave was implemented. The total patient target is 50 participants from underprivileged communities who do not have health insurance, including BPJS.

A total of 17 people from Bogor, Cianjur and Sukabumi received free surgical services at the Assyifa Sukabumi Islamic Hospital on Friday (16/2/2023). The surgical participants consisted of 9 pediatric patients and 8 adult patients.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that health is a very important aspect of everyone's life. "One of our concerns in helping people gain access to health is by holding free hernia operations for Indonesian people," she explained.