15 Nov 2023

Caring about Fishermen's Eye Health, Dozens of Fishermen Participate in MNC Peduli Eye Examination and EDC Group Eye Clinic

Bangkalan – Located in a coastal area, Bangkalan Regency, East Java certainly has residents, most of whom make their living as fishermen who have to deal with high ultraviolet exposure every day.

With these risks, fishermen need to pay more attention and maintain their eye health. This is because high levels of ultraviolet light can increase risks to eye health, one of which is cataracts which can cause blindness.

For this reason, MNC Peduli and EDC Eye Clinic held eye examinations for dozens of fishermen who are members of the Bancaran Fishermen's Association in Bancaran Village, Bangkalan Regency on Wednesday (11/15/2023).

It is hoped that this eye examination can detect eye problems in fishermen and can prevent eye conditions from getting worse.

In this activity, MNC Peduli, supported by the EDC Eye Clinic, also provided caps and goggles so that fishermen could avoid exposure to ultra violet and other things that can reduce eye health conditions.

"Local residents and fishermen also expressed their gratitude for the implementation of this social service from the Jalinan Kasih Foundation and MNC Peduli. "God willing, this activity will be beneficial for our fishermen," said Chairman of the Bancaran Fishermen's Group, Abdul Ghafur.

Head of CSR MNC Group Tengku Havid said, with this activity it is hoped that it can increase fishermen's awareness of paying attention to their eye health.

"Because eyes are an important asset for all of us, especially for our brothers and sisters who work as fishermen, so their health needs to be maintained," said Tengku Havid.