07 Jun 2023

Providing Hundreds of Reading Books for Literacy Activities at the Window of the World Lumajang Reading House

Lumajang – In 2022, Anis founded the Window of the World Reading House which is located in Krajan Baru, Bondoyudo, Kec. Sukodono, Lumajang Regency.

The establishment of this reading park was a result of Anis' concern over the lack of a designated place for local children to gather and play.

Initially, Anis started providing various kinds of reading books and they were quite enthusiastically welcomed by the children who regularly came to read. Like mem

Since then, the Window of the World Reading House has started holding various activities such as Al-Qur'an literacy, namely learning to become a tahfiz and teaching interpretations of the Koran.

Apart from that, children are also taught to develop creativity through mosaic painting from grains and also calligraphy.

Supporting literacy activities at the Window of the World Reading House, MNC Peduli provided hundreds of reading books on Wednesday (7/6/2023).

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli, Jessica Tanoesoedibjo, hopes that this assistance can increase the types of reading for students at the Window of the World Reading House.

"We hope that the assistance of reading books can increase the variety of types of reading at the Window of the World Reading House and will be useful and increase the enthusiasm for literacy for students," said Jessica.