19 Dec 2023

Handover of Health Aids to Residents of Gambir District, Central Jakarta

Jakarta – MNC Peduli's commitment to helping underprivileged communities continues to be demonstrated. This time, MNC Peduli distributed health aids to residents of Gambir District who experienced health conditions or problems.

MNC Group Executive Chairwoman Liliana Tanoesoedibjo handed over wheelchairs, prosthetic legs and walking sticks to each aid recipient at the MNC Bank Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta on Monday (18/12/2023).

On this occasion, Liliana Tanoesoedibjo also helped install a prosthetic leg for Andreas Ndityomas, who had lost his leg in 2005. With this prosthetic leg, it is hoped that the recipients will be able to return to their activities better in the future.