20 Jan 2023

Handover of Emergency School Tent for SDN Jambudipa, Cianjur Regency

For almost two months, students at Jambudipa Elementary School did not carry out teaching and learning activities in the school room after the Cianjur earthquake, which caused the Jambudipa Elementary School building to collapse.

So, hundreds of students from grades 1 to 6 have to study in emergency tents in the Jagaraksa field, Jambudipa Village, Warungkondang District, Cianjur Regency.

"For almost two months the children studied in tents, from grades 1 to 6. Because the school building, 8 out of 10 rooms collapsed and is currently being renovated," said Deputy Principal of SDN Jambudipa, Nia Kurniawati, Friday (20/1/2023) .

Even so, the teaching and learning process in tents is very limited, apart from the minimal number of tents, the children have to take turns carrying out their learning.

"We don't have enough tents, so the children only study for two hours a day, because there are limited tents and they have to take turns with other class students," she explained.

He said he would like to thank MNC Peduli for providing large tents for Jambudipa Elementary School students to use for studying.

"Thank God, we received tent assistance from MNC Peduli, this is very useful for us, and the children can feel comfortable in their studies," she said.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo appreciated the parties who had trusted their donations through MNC Peduli.

"Even though this disaster has passed the emergency response period, assistance is still needed in the post-emergency response recovery period so the kindness of all parties is very meaningful," said Jessica.

MNC Peduli is a forum for social activities from the MNC Group and all affiliated business units. In carrying out its vision and mission, #mncpeduli carries out social activities to help communities, especially the underprivileged and those affected by disasters.

The three main pillars implemented are social, humanitarian and religious, including those related to education, the environment and infrastructure development.