01 Mar 2023

Hundreds of MNC Group Employees Show Concern through Blood Donation

Jakarta – Every day, there is always a request for blood to help patients. Therefore, the fulfillment of blood stocks needs support from various parties. MNC Peduli, through the MNC Love Donation program, regularly invites MNC Group employees to participate in blood donation activities.

More than 300 participants took part in the blood donation which was held at the iNews Tower, Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta on Wednesday (1/3/2023). This is the second blood donation event held by MNC Peduli in 2023.

On this occasion, MNC Peduli collaborated with the Blood Transfusion Unit (UTD) of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta. RSCM, where 90% of its patients are BPJS participants, requires an average of 250 bags of blood every day to save patients.

“RSCM needs 3,000 bags of blood per month. "To achieve this target, we must get 300 people to carry out blood transfusions a day," said Head of the RSCM Blood Transfusion Unit, Doctor Elina Marpaung.

Chairwoman of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo said that the enthusiasm of MNC Group employees in carrying out blood donations was very high. "We really appreciate the employees who are willing to participate in donating blood in the midst of their busy schedules," said Jessica.

Jessica also said that donating blood is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways of sharing for both recipients and donors.

"By donating the little blood we have, it will be very beneficial for potential blood recipients. Apart from that, as donors we can also get various health benefits," she said.