12 Oct 2023

Teenagers with Polio in Pesanggrahan Get Assistance with Electric Wheelchair Support Equipment from MNC Peduli

Jakarta – Dito Putra Pamungkas (29), a young man who lives in Petukangan Village, Pesanggrahan District, has a disability due to polio, which he has suffered since birth.

Even though he could still feel his legs, he could no longer use them to stand, let alone walk.

So far, Dito has used an electric wheelchair which he uses for activities and earns income by raising white mice.

But unfortunately, the wheelchair as a support for daily life experienced problems so that Dito couldn't do his activities. It was damaged so that Dito couldn't do any activities. As a result, Dito was forced to depend on his mother who worked as a laundry worker. In addition, he cultivates ornamental fish to resell to ornamental fish traders but is still unable to meet his needs.

Therefore, Dito took the courage to ask MNC Peduli for assistance with electric wheelchair support equipment so that he could return to activities and work outside which could be an additional means of supporting himself and his mother again.

Seeing Dito's persistence, MNC Peduli, with support from #HeroesofGoodness, distributed equipment to support the electric wheelchair, so that it could be used again. The assistance was handed over by the General Treasurer of MNC Peduli Stien on Thursday (12/10/2023).