01 Sep 2023

Seminar on Early Detection and Prevention of Cataracts with Sumpiuh Banyumas Hospital

Banyumas - MNC Peduli is spreading its wings in providing health services to underprivileged communities by collaborating with Amanah Sumpiuh Hospital in Banyumas, Central Java.

This first collaboration was carried out in handling free cataract and pteregium operations, as carried out by MNC Peduli in a number of other Indonesian regions such as Sukabumi, Lampung, Balikpapan, Semarang, several districts in East Java, as well as 3T areas in Sumbawa and South Maluku.

As the start of the collaboration, MNC Peduli and Amanah Sumpiuh Hospital held a seminar on early detection and prevention of cataracts at Amanah Sumpiuh Hospital on Friday (1/9/23).

This activity was held as a form of awareness and education in anticipation of preventing cataracts from an early age.