03 Oct 2023

Continuing to Improve Emergency Knowledge, MNC Group Employees Take First Aider Training Level 3

Jakarta – To continue to improve employee competency in anticipating emergencies, MNC Group employees are again taking part in first aid training which has reached level 3.

Dozens of employees took part in training held by MNC Peduli and PMI Central Jakarta City at iNews Tower on Tuesday (3/10/2023).

This training is a continuation of the two previous trainings which were held last September, in order to continue to increase and optimize knowledge for the participants which we hope can be applied in emergency situations both in the MNC Group office area and outside.

In this latest training, participants were taught to understand first aid measures for medical cases such as Fever, Seizures, Epilepsy, Asthma, Vertigo, Exposure to cold, Exposure to Heat, Heat exhaustion, Heatstroke, Hysteria, Poisoning, Fainting, Cardiac Arrest, Bites insects, snake bites, leech bites, nosebleeds and burns.

Apart from that, an understanding of vital signs examination and the process of transporting victims was also explained.

Head of the PMI Central Jakarta Public Health Services Division, Dr. Erizal Kurnia Agung, explained that the aim of holding first aid training was to increase the number of helpers in the community, especially in the MNC office environment.

"By holding this training, the first goal is to increase the number of first aiders. Increase the number of helpers in the community," said Agung, Tuesday (3/10/2023).

"It is hoped that lay helpers can reduce the ratio of emergency incidents that are not handled," he continued.

A participant named Mia admitted that she was helped by first aid training. The material taught by PMI Central Jakarta is related to their daily work.

"The benefit is for me to be more agile in providing first aid to patients. The material is related (to daily work)," he said.